The world's first man who lay eggs

Jakarta (News Desk) might be hard for you to believe, but even the baby is known in Indonesia that their compatriot Naim Kong had four eggs that are absolutely similar to chicken eggs, and now the news is spreading all over the world. According to local media, the 62-year-old Naim work in a printing press,the day November 3 when he felt pain in the abdomen, then his friend began to massage his stomach and after sometime This amazing event took place and Naim given an white egg. According to media reports that this man also given three eggs before this But he had kept it secret. However, this time the incident occurred in front of his friend's and now everyone knows it. Indonesia's numerous doctors have considered this strange situation but Still no one knows that how and why this person is giving eggs. Experts also believe that it is the result of his bad habits.

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